Artist statement
もう一つ絵画を制作する上で大事な要素があります言葉です。私はあいにく詩人ではないので、言葉で全てを表現する事は困難です。私は画家なので言葉では表現出来ない部分を絵画という手段で苦しみや悲しみ、優しさや幸福感を描く事しかできません。私自身は言葉で何かを伝える事に限界を感じています。だから描くのです。 芸術作品には言葉を超越した直接心に届く何かが存在すると考えているからです。
The first thing I do to create a painting is to be free and to be an active task that is not drawn by someone's command. Self-enjoyment, which is also the title of the solo exhibition. There is no word for self-enjoyment in Japanese. It is a coined word that I made. In a sense, it is my thought and philosophy. To enjoy yourself is the environment in which I was born and raised. The place, time, and relationships that I have lived in. How will the person I, who has been cultivated in this way, use the person I, to create works?
How can I use up my human being in the current environment? In a sense, it may be an experiment in which I use me for creative activities.
There is another important element in making a painting. Unfortunately I'm not a poet, so it's difficult to express everything in words. Since I am a painter, I can only draw suffering, sadness, kindness, and happiness by painting the parts that cannot be expressed in words. I myself feel the limit to telling something in words. That's why I draw. This is because I think that there is something that transcends words and reaches the heart directly in the work of art.
And the four elements of my painting are chaos, madness, silence and elegance. Everything is an element of beauty for me. I believe that my paintings keep their brilliance because I constantly draw with these four elements in mind.